Highlight the web with Emfazō

A decentralised and local-first application, where you are the owner of the data, because it laid on your browsers.

Be aware that if you remove the storage of your browsers, you will lose the data. Please, synchronize your browsers before remove it.

For any browser, drag this button to the bookmarks bar, or right-click/control-click to bookmark the link:

How to use a bookmarklet in mobile?

This is an alpha version to understand your needs. Please, send us your feedback and subscribe for news!

  1. Local-first

    "Local-first ideals include the ability to work offline and collaborate across multiple devices, while also improving the security, privacy, long-term preservation, and user control of data."


  2. Peer-to-peer (P2P)

    "Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads between peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in the application. They are said to form a peer-to-peer network of nodes."


  3. Web annotation

    "Web annotation refers to online annotations of web resources (web annotation) such as web pages or parts of them, and a set of W3C standards (Web Annotation) developed for this purpose."


How to use it?

Emfazō is desktop and mobile friendly. I use it from the mobile like 90% of the times because I prefer to read articles with the mobile. The other 10% of the times is to review the highlights and annotations on the desktop, the device that I use to work.

My first trick to use Emfazō in the mobile is using the name "ooo" for the bookmarklet. Is so easy and fast to type "ooo" in the search bar to find it and start to highlight the web.

I use the mobile version of Brave Browser, but you can do it with any Chromium browser.

Let's try it.

Go to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highlighter

If you have saved the bookmarklet , you can use it, if not, please, do it. In the mobile, search for "ooo" in the search bar or clicking the bookmark in the desktop.

Once it is activated, you will see a yellow bubble at the bottom right. You can start using it!

Now is time to play, using a mobile, select the text that you want to highlight and touch outside. In my case is: "A highlighter is a type of writing device used to mark attention to sections of text by marking them with a vivid, translucent colour."

Once it is selected, you can go to https://emfazo.vercel.app/my-highlights , and you will see it there.


Back to Wikipedia. Please, click the yellow bubble, and you will see the text selected with some options, like share on Twitter, copy to the clipboard, a link to scroll to the text or delete it. If you choose to delete, it won't delete the one saved in my highlights.

Another way to go back to My highlights page is by clicking one of the selections, and a tooltip will show up with two options from right to left, delete and go to My highlights.

In My Highlights you can write annotations related with each highlight, share the highlight on Twitter, copy to the clipboard or delete.

One of the upcoming features is the option to add the tags to each highlight.

How I synchronize the mobile app with the desktop?

In my case, I will open from the mobile https://emfazo.vercel.app/share and from the desktop https://emfazo.vercel.app/read and reading the QR code or following the link , and I will synchronize the desktop with the mobile highlights.

I hope you enjoy it as I do.

Víctor García.